Protect plants, habitats and communities by using organic cosmetics

The current world is overcharged with information that constantly and repeatedly bombards at extremely rapid speed, causing confusion, problems, stress and a fierce economic competition that results in the ignorant decision made by older generations to disregard the earth's and animal´s needs. It is no secret to anyone that keeps up with the 21 century that the world has done a full 180. During recent years the majority of the people that make part of younger generations have been continuously and resolutely pushing toward a more eco-friendly lifestyle through politics and actions in all aspects, one of them being the beauty and cosmetic facet. In the long and complex journey of trying to save planet earth and humanity as we know it one action at the time, many questions have rushed to people's minds, some of them being somewhere among the lines of "How can I help plants, habitats, and communities by using organic cosmetics?" or "Does use organic cosmetics bring any additional benefits to my skin and body?"

Turns out that using organic cosmetics can be tremendously beneficial for small communities due to the sourcing of ingredients: whereas a company that sells non-organic cosmetics would normally get its ingredients from big farms or fabrics that use humongous quantities of chemicals to harvest that are harmful to people who work and live near the farm by causing brain and lung damage (among others), companies that produce organic cosmetics often source locally, a practice that is fundamental for economic growth, or gets their ingredients from small communities worldwide without using any type of chemicals that can be a hazard for people. This promotes the economic proliferate of people that usually do not have all the benefits that your regular first-world citizen may have.

Besides this extreme benefit, the use of organic cosmetics can bring welfare to plants and animals because, as mentioned before, the use of chemicals is extremely harmful to all species, taking bees as an example: they suffer and die because of pesticides, causing a lack of pollination and therefore, a danger to all species that live in the globe. However, there are other important long and short term concerns that should be taken into account, for example, the destruction of habitats as a consequence of the production and commercialization of non-organic products.

Habitat degradation, although not as common or disastrous as complete habitat destruction, takes place when humans pollute or modifies environments by contaminating water sources, destroying the nutritious quality of the soil and degrading the oxygen levels in the air, among anything else that might be deteriorating to the natural habitat (something that often happens in the creation process of non-organic products). This also permits for the natural balance of the earth to fall as some species migrate or become extinct while some others thrive as their natural predator is no longer a problem, and some other species become invasive and parasites to habitats and animals.

On another note, if your question was the second one, the answer is a definite yes. Organic products bring the most benefits to people who use them, as all-natural products have shown to be completely harmless and non-toxic (disregarding allergies). Using organic cosmetics can also connect us to our traditional, more natural and cultural roots and make us remember where we come from. If interested to know a bit more about how beneficial organic cosmetics can be for you and your loved ones, you can check out this small but useful list that includes plants and naturally derived ingredients that are often used in the organic cosmetic industry and the wellbeing they can bring.

Alpine rose: This evergreen bush grows at extremely high altitudes in places such as the Alps (as its name indicates) and the Pyrenees, and is used frequently in both face and body creams as well as serums for its multiple properties, such as preventing wrinkles, promoting skin elasticity, contending stretch marks and photoaging, enhancing the skin´s barriers and so protecting it from harsh weather and environments as well as combating the oxidation of skin proteins. You are also likely to find it as a tonic, eye cream, lip balm, foundation or serum.

Oat Beta-Glucan: This natural soluble fiber found in oats in an abundant proportion has been attributed many different benefits, including the increase of collagen production, correction of hyperpigmentation (freckles), increase on skin moisture, fading and healing of scars and wounds and a significant cutback on expression lines and wrinkles.

Ginkgo Biloba: This traditional Chinese tree has been used for centuries to treat medical issues and is considered one of the oldest trees on the planet by scientists and paleontologists. It has been recently implemented in the cosmetic industry due to its many almost-magical properties that include prevention of the oxidation of the skin, stress relief and maintenance of skin appearance and quality. You can find it as a cream, micellar water, eye gel/cream, scrub, an extract, and many more forms.

Ginseng: Used for many centuries in traditional Chinese and Korean medicine and therapy, this plant that sprouts some notorious and thick roots has been incorporated lately into cosmetics. It has been found able to repair cellular damage, boost blood circulation, balance your skin naturally, inhibit hyperpigmentation, be antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and also being a great cure to acne. As a fun fact, it is also considered a superfood (it really has it all). It is common in makeup removers, creams facemasks and even foundations. There are five types ginseng: American, Siberian, Korean, Brazilian and Indian, although the one considered to be true ginseng is the Korean one, but still, the other four varieties are still very beneficial.

Chamomile: The usage of this beautiful plant has been recorded to date back to Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, and in actuality it is way more than the main ingredient of a delicious and calming tea: It also makes up an important part of organic deodorants and is used in skincare as a powerful eczema and other skin issues combatant, pain reliever, scar fader and as a healer for cracked and dry skin. Even though there are two types of chamomile, the Roman and the German, there is not much difference between them when talking about skincare. You can find this miraculous ingredient in toners, creams, deodorants, cleansers and many other products.

Sweet Blue Lupin Peptides: Despite this name having the quality to remind some people of one of the sweetest and favorite professors at Hogwarts, it actually references an amazing ingredient that is able to hold and preserve artificial hair colour for a month or more- even with constant washing, by forming a delicate yet resistant film that protects and moisturizes the skin and hair- without any buildup or residue!- It is also believed to be a great protectant from the sun, and the most brilliant thing is you can find it almost everywhere and its properties could be easily perceived as infinite: From creams, gels and oils to shampoos, conditioners and deodorants and even foundations, mascaras, lipgloss, lip balms, and cologne.

Besides, turning to organic cosmetics is a guarantee that you will be consuming 100% natural products that will also not be synthetic products, which is a big plus considering that products labeled as natural might not be as natural as you are searching for, as "natural products" can still contain pesticides and be synthetic.

When selecting your cosmetics, it is essential that you, as a consumer, demand what you want for your future as well as the world´s by checking ingredients, sourcing and any personal ethical preference, and then buy accordingly.

No matter what, it is important to remember what our earth provides for us and based on that, trying to give a little bit back. It is undeniable that we have been abusing and exploiting resources for centuries, and thinking about future generations, it surely will not be paying back well. Small changes are the base for big changes, and using organic cosmetics is a great way to help the planet by using less contaminating chemicals and pesticides and choosing to go all-natural. Additional to that, it is also a fabulous way to help yourself (especially your skin, the largest organ of your body) because when you decided to stop consuming things that harm you in a short and long term, you are bound to become a happier, healthier and overall more conscious human being.

It does not matter where you come from, your age, your beliefs, your race, your politic affinity or anything that might divide you from the rest of the world: we all belong and are an active part of this world, and even more, are humans, and so, it is our responsibility to act to preserve it. The future is ours. When you use organic cosmetics, you will be relieved by knowing that what you are putting in your body will not contaminate bodies of water, your own body, or the earth in general.

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